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Appcelerator Titanium: Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found

This is driving me crazy, I have spent about 10 hours now deleting and regenerating Apple keys and provisioning profiles for my Appcelerator Titanium iPad app. I had this all working and compiling 1 year ago, then my Mac crashed and I had to reformat and start over.

I cannot get past this error: "Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) that match the provisioning profile specified in your build settings ('Okland Construction 2014') were found."

In the Apple developer center I created the necessary distribution profiles and installed those in my keychain, but I always get this error.

I just have no idea what is missing or wrong.

I already read this and following instructions, to no avail:

iOS 7.0 No code signing identities found

I hope someone can help before I lose my sanity. 10 hours, 100+ attempts, restarts, deletes, regens.


  • Assuming that you are trying to deploy the application into the device,

    In a couple of situations, this issue occurs.

    1. When you haven't installed provisional profile and corresponding developer certificate in your machine.

      • You need to use the correct developer certificate and provisioning profile. Go to your keychain and check whether the developer certificate corresponding to your provisioning profile is installed.
      • If the developer certificate is not installed, you can either download the correct one from developer center or you need to create new developer certificate.
      • If you are creating a developer certificate, you need to request for a certificate from the authority, then upload the .certSigningRequest file to the developer center and generate your developer certificate. Then update your current provisioning profile also.
    2. Run configuration for your project is not correct one.

      • In some cases, Titanium Studio does not reset your project configuration automatically. So you need to reset it manually. For that
      • Open your Titanium Studio, then open your project.
      • Right click on the project then select Run as -> Run configurations.. (see the image 1)

    enter image description here

    • Select the development certificate, provisioning profile and device in the next screen(see image 2).

    enter image description here

    • Click the run button followed by the apply button.

    I hope it helped you.