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Nonlinear multiple regression in SAS

I have a data set with variables y, x1, and x2. I want to find an equation that fits the model:

y = k1*x1c1 + k2*x2c2

by finding k1, c1, k2, and c2. How do I do this in SAS? Specifically if there is an easy way in SAS Enterprise Guide, that's preferable.


  • First, there is no WYSIWYG in EG that I know of to do this.

    You can use a number of procedures, getting them to converge (PROC MODEL comes to mind as a likely candidate) is not easy. I used PROC OPTMODEL from SAS/OR in this example.

    data test;
    do i=1 to 1000;
    x1 = rannor(123)*10 + 100;
    x2 = rannor(123)*2 + 10;
    y = 10*(x1**2) + -10*(X2**3) + rannor(123);
    proc optmodel;
    num n=1000;
    set<num> indx;
    num y{indx}, x1{indx}, x2{indx};
    read data test into indx=[_N_] y x1 x2;
    var k1 init 1000, 
        k2 init 1000, 
        c1 init 1 ,
        c2 init 1 , 
        mean init 0;
    min sse = sum{i in indx}( (y[i]-(k1*x1[i]**c1 + k2*x2[i]**c2))**2 );
    solve with nlp / maxiter=1000 ms;
    print k1 k2 c1 c2;


                        The OPTMODEL Procedure
                           Solution Summary
              Solver                       Multistart NLP
              Algorithm                    Interior Point
              Objective Function                      sse
              Solution Status               Best Feasible
              Objective Value                976.35152997
              Number of Starts                        100
              Number of Sample Points                2560
              Number of Distinct Optima                78
              Random Seed Used                      18410
              Optimality Error               0.0049799881
              Infeasibility                             0
                         k1         k2    c1    c2
                     9.9999    -9.9993     2     3