I have a very simple Analyzer that tries to replace forward slashes (/) by spaces. Because QueryParser forces me to escape strings with slashes before parsing, I added a MappingCharFilter to the analyzer that replaces "\/" with a single space. The analyzer is defined as follows:
protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String field, Reader in) {
NormalizeCharMap.Builder builder = new NormalizeCharMap.Builder();
builder.add("\\/", " ");
Reader mappingFilter = new MappingCharFilter(builder.build(), in);
Tokenizer tokenizer = new WhitespaceTokenizer(version, mappingFilter);
return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer);
Then I use this analyzer in the QueryParser to parse a string with dashes:
String text = QueryParser.escape("one/two");
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_48, "f", new MyAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_48));
The expected output would be
f:one f:two
However, I get:
The puzzling thing is that when I debug the analyzer, it tokenizes the input string correctly, returning two tokens instead of one.
What is going on?
A very simple fix. Don't escape the front slash character in the first argument of the builder.add method.
builder.add("/", " ");