I have a log table that collects table changes using hstore. Something similar to:
CREATE TABLE "gt_wells"."log_edits" (
"well_gid" SERIAL
, "modified_by" TEXT
, "edit" HSTORE
where "edit" is the difference between a record's previous and new values. It all works as expected.
I want to select rows where a specific column was edited, so using my login role with superuser privileges I can successfully run:
FROM "gt_wells"."log_edits"
WHERE "edit" ? 'full_sized_class;
But when I run it from another role I get an unknown operator error:
SET ROLE "inl-trigger";
FROM "gt_wells"."log_edits"
WHERE "edit" ? 'full_sized_class' AND "modified_by" != 'inl-trigger';
Error : ERROR: operator does not exist: public.hstore ? unknown
LINE 3: WHERE "edit" ? 'full_sized_class' AND "modified_by" != 'inl-...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Casting 'full_sized_class' to TEXT
doesn't help. hstore extension exists in the db and I've given "inl-trigger" privileges to the hstore type:
Error : ERROR: extension "hstore" already exists
GRANT ALL ON TYPE hstore TO "inl-trigger";
Affected rows : 0, Time: 0.00sec
If I make "inl-trigger" a superuser, everything works as expected. So what privileges am I missing? Why can't "inl-trigger" use hstore operators?
Needed usage on the schema hstore was installed to:
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO "inl-trigger";