I'm trying to understand why I can't return multiple file extensions with .GetFiles
Here's is my current code, which works fine.
'Returns only the filenames based on the directory that is selected
Dim fi = From f In New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath).GetFiles("*.txt").Cast(Of IO.FileInfo)() _
Order By f.CreationTime
Select f
For Each fileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo In fi
When I run this, my listbox is only populated with *.txt files.
Here is the code if I add ("*.txt, *.xlsx")
and run the code again, nothing is populated in my listbox.
'Returns only the filenames based on the directory that is selected
Dim fi = From f In New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath).GetFiles("*.txt, *.xlsx").Cast(Of IO.FileInfo)() _
Order By f.CreationTime
Select f
For Each fileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo In fi
How can I go about adding multiple file extensions in my listbox?
Here's what I came up with, works pretty well. I added the Where f.Extension = ".txt" OrElse f.Extension = ".xlsx"
'Returns only the filenames based on the directory that is selected
Dim fi = From f In New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath).GetFiles().Cast(Of IO.FileInfo)() _
Where f.Extension = ".txt" OrElse f.Extension = ".xlsx"
Order By f.Name
Select f
For Each fileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo In fi