I've built a Rich Media Card WeChat response to a location event that populates the URL parameter with a Googlemaps URL including the Lat/long values from the location response
like this
$return ='<xml>
<ToUserName><![CDATA[' . $xml->FromUserName . ']]></ToUserName>
<FromUserName><![CDATA[' . $xml->ToUserName . ']]></FromUserName>
<CreateTime>' . mktime() . '</CreateTime>
<Title><![CDATA[Your Location]]></Title>
<Description><![CDATA[Click this card to demonstrate the mapping functionality]]</Description>
The Latitude and longitude variables are populated correctly
If i output the URL it is well formed. however when I click the link Wechat opens its browser and attempts to load the URL but no map is displayed.
Is there something I've missed?
All seems good. Tested on IPhone. Ensure it is working on the native browser outside of WeChat. If that is working then please post a screenshot here of what you are seeing in the native browser and in WeChat as well as the final URL