I have been working on a program to retrieve questions from Stack Overflow. Till yesterday the program was working fine, but since today I'm getting the error
"Message File Name Line Position
<module> C:\Users\DPT\Desktop\questions.py 13
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u201c' in position 34: ordinal not in range(128)"
Currently, the questions are being displayed, but I seem to be unable to copy the output to a new text file.
import sys
import stackexchange
so = stackexchange.Site(stackexchange.StackOverflow)
term= raw_input("Enter the keyword for Stack Exchange")
print 'Searching for %s...' % term,
qs = so.search(intitle=term)
print '\r--- questions with "%s" in title ---' % (term)
for q in qs:
print '%8d %s' % (q.id, q.title)
with open('E:\questi.txt', 'a+') as question:
with open('E:\questi.txt') as intxt:
data = intxt.read()
regular = re.findall('[aA-zZ]+', data)
tokens = set(regular)
with open('D:\Dictionary.txt', 'r') as keywords:
keyset = set(keywords.read().split())
with open('D:\Questionmatches.txt', 'w') as matches:
for word in keyset:
if word in tokens:
matches.write(word + '\n')
is a Unicode string. When writing that to a file, you need to encode it first, preferably a fully Unicode-capable encoding such as UTF-8
(if you don't, Python will default to using the ASCII
codec which doesn't support any character codepoint above 127
should fix the problem.
By the way, the program tripped up on character “