I'm building an app to display different colours of a car when the colour swatch is clicked. I've built the jQuery to nicely swap out the image based on the swatch that is clicked.
However, I'm struggling to make the new image fade in nicely over the one that is already visible.
$('a.swatchItem').click(function() { // on click of swatch
var carID = $(this).attr('id'); // grab the clicked ID
$('a.swatchItem').removeClass('active'); // Remove active class
$(this).addClass('active'); // Add active class to current swatch
$("#carItem").attr('src',"img/models/longtitude/" + carID + ".png"); // replace with new car image
return false;
You can try with this:
$('a.swatchItem').click(function() { // on click of swatch
var carID = $(this).attr('id'); // grab the clicked ID
$('a.swatchItem').removeClass('active'); // Remove active class
$(this).addClass('active'); // Add active class to current swatch
$("#carItem").fadeOut('fast', function(){
$(this).attr("src", "img/models/longtitude/" + carID + ".png").fadeIn();
}); // replace with new car image
return false;