While using a sencha touch app on Android, is it possible that the device back button behaves completely as it behaves for a native Andriod app? This thread addresses the same problem. The suggested solution is
if (Ext.os.is('Android')) {
document.addEventListener("backbutton", Ext.bind(onBackKeyDown, this), false);
function onBackKeyDown(eve) {
//do something
alert('back button pressed');
but in this function, how can i go to the previously visited screen?
Of course it depends on how your user interface is built and how the views are connected. Simplest way I can think of is to detect somehow the presence of a back button in the page and trigger a click on it.
In my application each view that needs to handle the backbutton
event has a button with cls = 'back'
that implements a tap
listener responsible of the logic to go back to the previous view.
About how to implement this logic: there is no magic wand for that. If a particular view can be reached through one and only one parent view, then you can hardcode it. Else, if a view can be reached from more than one, I save in a property of the view's controller a reference to the view which I came from, and then on backbutton's tap
I move to that view.
The animation of moving to a view can usually be obtained by Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(parentView, {type: 'fade'});
(but again it depends on how you implemented your views tree)
So in my handler for the backbutton
I check for such a button with [cls=back]
(but you could also check for ui
or whatever you want) and I fire the tap
event on it.
Moreover, when i detect I am on the root view I ask the user if he wants to exit the application and if so I call exit()
_handleBackButtonEvent : function(e) {
// First look if the current view is the mainView
var item = Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem();
// If we are on mainView, quit.
// Sayonara, goodbye, adios
if (item.getId() === 'mainView') {
"Really quit?",
function(option) {
if (option == 1) {
} else {
// else look if the current view has a backbutton
var titlebar = item.down('titlebar[docked=top]');
var backbutton = null;
if (titlebar) {
backbutton = titlebar.down('button[iconCls=back]');
if (backbutton && !backbutton.isHidden() && !backbutton.isDisabled()) {
} else {
// if not, fallback to mainView
item = Ext.getCmp('mainView');
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem( item, {type: 'slide', direction: 'right'});