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am comparing two dates in jasper server using jQuery but it is not comparing

Am comparing two dates in jasper server using jQuery but it is not comparing those dates. First i stored those two dates into two different variables like,

var fromDate = document.querySelector('#FromDate label.control input').value;
var toDate = document.querySelector('#ToDate label.control input').value;

now am comparing two dates as

    alert("To date should be greater than from date");
return false;

it works fine when we have same day like fromdate is "01-07-2013" and todate is "01-06-2013" it shows error but if i change like fromdate is "11-07-2013" and todate is "21-06-2013" it will not show error rather it display's report.


  • var fromDate ="11-09-2013";
    var toDate ="21-06-2013";
    var dtfrom   = parseInt(fromDate.substring(0,2),10); 
    var monfrom  = parseInt(fromDate.substring(3,5),10);
    var yrfrom   = parseInt(fromDate.substring(6,10),10); 
    var dtto   = parseInt(toDate.substring(0,2),10); 
    var monto  = parseInt(toDate.substring(3,5),10); 
    var yrto   = parseInt(toDate.substring(6,10),10); 
    monfrom = monfrom -1 ;
    monto = monto -1 ;
    var date1 = new Date(yrfrom, monfrom, dtfrom); 
    var date2 = new Date(yrto, monto, dtto); 
    if(date1 > date2)
      alert("To date should be greater than from date");
      return false;
