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Android beacon Monitoring while Ranging

In continuation with my previous question asked here, I am no longer following the approach of creating single Region for all beacons. Now i am creating Regions at run-time. I did ranging first. Below is code that i am trying to implement.

public void onBeaconsDiscovered(Region region, final List<Beacon> beacons) { 
     for(int i =0;i<beacons.size();i++)
        Region r = new Region("RegionID", beacons.get(i).getProximityUUID(), beacons.get(i).getMajor(), beacons.get(i).getMinor()); 
        try { 
            } catch (RemoteException e) {

  public void onEnteredRegion(Region arg0, List<Beacon> arg1) {
         //Log Data in DB 

  public void onExitedRegion(Region region) { 
     //Log Data in DB 

Is the above mentioned approach correct? The problem is, sometimes, same beacon is entering twice in onEnteredRegion(), without exiting. I have tried to play around with scan interval for foreground and background scan, but things not in sync. I am using Estimote beacon sdk for android.


  • Problem might be very simple. Your code sample is reusing the same region identifier "RegionID" for all regions. Please use different ones.