This code fails at the second unittest at the getA!B() call. The error is: "need 'this' for 'value' of type 'string'"
The question is. How do I get getA to always return a A, whether the UDA is a type or an opCall?
static A opCall(T...)(T args) {
A ret;
ret.value = args[0];
return ret;
string value;
@A struct B {
@A("hello") struct C {
A getA(T)() {
foreach(it; __traits(getAttributes, T)) {
if(is(typeof(it) == A)) {
A ret;
ret.value = it.value;
return ret;
unittest {
A a = getA!C();
assert(a.value == "hello");
unittest {
A a = getA!B();
assert(a.value == "");
As you know, traits are evaluated at compile-time. So any introspection on values obtained via __traits must be done statically. Luckily D has the "static if condition" for this.
If you change
if(is(typeof(it) == A)) {
static if (is(typeof(it) == A)) {
you should not have problems compiling the code as is(typeof(it) == A
can be evaluated at compile-time.