I am editing the .properties file in notepad++. I can toggle the block comment using Cntrl+K but it puts ";" instead of "#".
I modify langs.model.xml file and replaced ";" with "#". I restarted notepad but it is not working.
Does anyone know how can I change the control character in notepad++ for properties file?
My issue was with VB, NotePad++ don't have the right symbol set (REM instead of ') I don't want to change the language, since the hilighting of keyword would be wrong I found this on mysysadmintips :
Luckily it's pretty easy to modify comment marks for various languages in Notepad++
Open Notepad++ language config file: C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\langs.xml Scroll down to <Language name="vb" ext="vb vbs" (or other depending on what language you want to modify) Change commentLine="REM" to commentLine="'" Restart Notepad++