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Function to return an array of extended in VCL Form Delphi

Returning array using a function in Console type can be done but I am trying to make a function which takes an integer n as input and returns an array of extended in VCL form of Delphi. How can we do that?


  • In modern versions of Delphi you should use the generic array, TArray<T>. Like this:

    function Foo(N: Integer): TArray<Extended>;
      i: Integer;
      SetLength(Result, N);
      for i := 0 to N-1 do begin
        Result[i] := i;

    I would stress that it is likely a mistake to be using Extended. This is a rather unusual and badly performing 10 byte floating point type. The type is only available on a limited number of processors. Almost all real world floating point calculations are performed using Single or Double, the 4 byte and 8 byte IEEE-754 floating point data types.