I have an interactive background that uses css to change opacity on hover. On top of this (absolute positioned) is a text layer. In order to allow for the background to react even with the text on top I have added css pointer-event:none to the div containing text.
This works well, but it would be better if I could still keep the ability to highlight the text.
Does anyone know away to limit which pointer-events are suppressed?
Actually you can't do what you want. If you disable pointer-event, text can't be selected. But you can do this functional by some jquery magic.
first you put background hover effects into some class:
.hov{background: black !important;} //just example
then assign it to hover effect:
$('#wrap').hover(function() {
and translate hover event from you block into you background:
$('#block').hover(function(e) {
So look into fiddle and you'll understand