I've got a very specific problem so I'm going to try to be as clear as possible.
I've got a QTabWidget
which contains QTableWidget
, every line of my QTableWidget
is create dynamically by reading a file.
As you may see, when I create a line, I add a qCheckBox
at the end. My goal now, is to send this line to the QTableWidget
in the last tab of my QtableTab
when I click on the qCheckBox
( and to delete this line when I uncheck the qCheckBox
So every time I create a line dynamically, I try to associate to my qCheckBox
a signal :
QObject::connect(pCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cliqueCheckBox(monTab,ligne, pCheckBox)));
But it won't work, I've got the error :
QObject::connect: No such slot supervision::cliqueCheckBox(monTab,ligne, pCheckBox)
But this slot exist, I declare it in my header file and my cpp like this :
void supervision::cliqueCheckBox(QTableWidget *monTab, int ligne, QCheckBox *pCheckBox)
Is my way to procced for solving this problem is good ? If yes how to correctly associate the signal to a slot, and if no, how to proceed ?
Thank you.
[EDIT] : Here's the code of my function creating the qCheckBox
and associated it dynamically :
void supervision::ajouterCheckBox(QTableWidget *monTab, int ligne){
// Creation de la check box
QWidget *pWidget = new QWidget(); //Creation du widget contenant la checkbox
QCheckBox *pCheckBox = new QCheckBox(); // Creation de la checkbox
QHBoxLayout *pLayout = new QHBoxLayout(pWidget); // Layout pour centrer ma checkbox
pLayout->addWidget(pCheckBox); // Ajout de la check box au layout
pLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); //Alignement
pLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);//Supression des bordure
pWidget->setLayout(pLayout);//Mise en place du layout dans le widget
monTab->setCellWidget(ligne,5,pWidget);//Mise en place du widget contenant la checkbox dans ça cellule
//Mise en place de la connection
QObject::connect(pCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cliqueCheckBox(monTab,ligne, pCheckBox)));
You are connecting SIGNAL(clicked())
to SLOT(cliqueCheckBox(monTab,ligne, pCheckBox)
which is invalid. The arguments of the signal and slot should match. Here you don'y provide any parameters for the target slot.
The correct form is :
QObject::connect(pCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clickedCheckBox()));
And clickedCheckBox
slot should have access to the pointers of your widgets :
void myClass::clickedCheckBox()