I'm using openssl, specifically the DH and BIGNUM libraries, to implement my own Diffie Hellman key exchange process, and I have some concerns about how it works.
The documentation I've been able to find, mostly here, hasn't been as accurate as I might have hoped. My question is about how DH_free works. Is it more or less a wrapper on free, or does openssl have its own internal functions that handle memory management? What happens when DH_free gets called on a null pointer?
My question is about how DH_free works. Is it more or less a wrapper on free, or does openssl have its own internal functions that handle memory management? What happens when DH_free gets called on a null pointer?
When all else fails, go to the source.
$ cd openssl-1.0.1h
$ grep -R DH_free * | grep void
crypto/dh/dh.h:void DH_free(DH *dh);
crypto/dh/dh_lib.c:void DH_free(DH *r)
doc/crypto/dh.pod: void DH_free(DH *dh);
doc/crypto/DH_new.pod: void DH_free(DH *dh);
The implementation is located in dh_lib.c
. Below is the cleaned up version (some #defines
were removed, and the source code was formatted):
void DH_free(DH *r)
int i;
if(r == NULL) return;
i = CRYPTO_add(&r->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_DH);
if (i > 0) return;
if (r->meth->finish)
if (r->engine)
CRYPTO_free_ex_data(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_DH, r, &r->ex_data);
if (r->p != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->p);
if (r->g != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->g);
if (r->q != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->q);
if (r->j != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->j);
if (r->seed) OPENSSL_free(r->seed);
if (r->counter != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->counter);
if (r->pub_key != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->pub_key);
if (r->priv_key != NULL) BN_clear_free(r->priv_key);