I have assigned a fixed positioned menubar a high z-index, yet it still appears below other elements on my website. Is there an alternative technique I could use or something wrong with the code I have written. My website with the issue is here (note: you need to scroll up after scrolling down for the navbar to appear). The menu bar that is not appearing properly has the following code
#headerfull {
but, for some reason, the z-index does not work. Elements like the "NinjaWarrior.info" image in the front and center, with a lower z-index appears in front of the navbar. The code for that image is below
<img style="position:absolute;z-index:10" src="images/logo_main.png" width="900" height="300" alt="American Ninja Warrior Fan Site">
Add this css:
#header {
position: relative;
z-index: 10000;
works on containers with the same stacking context.
In your code, the DIV
s header
and content
are siblings, and that's a condition for z-index
numbers to apply.
The most easy way of memorizing this rule is by "code versioning":
<DIV with z-index=1>
<DIV with z-index=3/>
<DIV with z-index=2>
So, like decimals, or versioning number, 1.3
will never be greater than 2
, and therefore the inner DIV will be always rendered below the second outer DIV.
Other than that, you need to apply positioning
to each DIV which sets z-index
I just set a big number because I was lazy, you can find a good feasible number by yourself if you want =), but this code works as I tested it on your website.
Thank you.
Be sure to read: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Understanding_z_index/The_stacking_context