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SlowCheetah transformations of QuartzNet config

I am trying to set up transformation, using SlowCheetah, of a QuartzNet job configuration file. QuartzNet requires the xmlns attribute to be present on the job-scheduling-data node, but the presence of this attribute seems to stop SlowCheetah from running the transformations.

Simplified, this is what my scheduling config looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <job-scheduling-data xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="2.0">
  <job-type>MySample.MyJob, MySample</job-type>

    <cron-expression>0 0 4 * * ? *</cron-expression>
    <time-zone>GMT Standard Time</time-zone>

The config transformation looks like this:

<job-scheduling-data xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xdt="" >
<cron-expression xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="XPath(/job-scheduling-data/schedule/trigger/cron/cron-expression[../name/text() = 'DefaultTrigger'])">"##DAILY_SCHEDULE##</cron-expression>

The transformation doesn't work unless I either remove


from the original config file and the transformation file, or specify the namespace as, for example xmlns:ns1. The problem with either of these two approaches is that Quartz requires xmlns="" to be present.

I have also tried using XPath expressions with local-name() in an effort to ignore the namespace in the expression syntax, but to no avail.

Any ideas how to get around this?


  • It seems to me that your XPath expression should be:

    /job-scheduling-data/schedule/trigger/cron/cron-expression[../job-name/text() = 'Job1']

    Since it was matching name and not job-name.

    The scary namespace-ignoring XPath expression below should also work:

    /*[local-name()='job-scheduling-data']/*[local-name()='schedule']/*[local-name()='trigger']/*[local-name()='cron']/*[local-name()='cron-expression'][../*[local-name()='job-name']/text() = 'Job1']