I have a tabular list of user data which I'm adding 'advanced search' functionality to. The advanced search consists of a number of dropdowns allowing users to filter their results, for example, limiting the results to users from a particular department:
<select ng-model="search.department_id" ng-options="department.id as department.name for department in departments">
<option value="">(Select from list)</option>
The results are then displayed using:
<tr ng-repeat="user in users | filter:search | orderBy:'name')">
<td> [code to show user data here.] </td>
If you select a department from the dropdown, this works correctly. But if you change your mind and pick the default '(Select from list)' option again, only users with a blank department_id value are shown. What I want to happen is for the department dropdown to be ignored if no department is selected.
After some searching around, it looked like I could solve this using a custom comparator, so I wrote this:
$scope.ignoreNullComparator = function(expected, actual){
if (expected === null) {
return true;
} else {
return angular.equals(expected, actual);
and changed the ng-repeat
ng-repeat="user in users | filter:search:ignoreNullComparator | orderBy:'name'
but although with some debugging could see the custom comparator being used, it didn't make any difference to the results.
So, how can I get the filter to ignore the dropdowns if the blank option is selected?
The order of parameters in your comparator is wrong, comparator should be defined as function(actual, expected)
$scope.ignoreNullComparator = function(actual, expected){
if (expected === null) {
return true;
} else {
return angular.equals(expected, actual);