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Not getting the correct values for cos in OpenScad

I'm trying to use Bresenham's algorithm in Openscad. I've broken things down bit by bit to see where things were going wrong. Looking at the output from Openscad, I see that the cos values are not correct for the values provided. Here is a list of values and cos(value) as displayed by Openscad.

ECHO: 0.628319, 0.99994
ECHO: 1.25664, 0.999759
ECHO: 1.88496, 0.999459
ECHO: 2.51327, 0.999038
ECHO: 3.14159, 0.998497
ECHO: 3.76991, 0.997836
ECHO: 4.39823, 0.997055
ECHO: 5.02655, 0.996154
ECHO: 5.65487, 0.995133
ECHO: 6.28319, 0.993993

This is generated by the code:

spots = 10;
cylinder(r=50, h=10, center=true);
translate ([0,0,-10])cylinder(r=5, h=20);
for ( z = [1:10]) {
    assign (step = z/spots)
    assign (step2 = (2 * PI * step))
    echo (step2, cos(abs(step2)));


  • cos() in openscad needs degrees, try:

    //assign (step2 = (2 * PI * step))
    assign(step2 = 360*step)