I would like to run the NED query of the astroquery package.
from astroquery.ned import Ned
result_table = Ned.query_object("NGC 224")
this is given by the example in the Documentary.
I got the following issue:
TableParseError: Failed to parse NED result! The raw response can be found in
self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error.
In self.table_parse_error I find:
AttributeError("'bytes' object has no attribute 'encode'")
I have no idea what has gone wrong.
Here are my versions:
Python 3.4.1 (default, May 19 2014, 17:23:49) [GCC 4.9.0 20140507 (prerelease)]
SciPy 0.14.0
Cython 0.20.1
OS posix [linux]
Numpy 1.8.1
IPython 2.1.0
This was raised as an issue on astroquery and is a confirmed bug: https://github.com/astropy/astroquery/pull/343
it should be fixed shortly