I have checked recent header files for PSListController
, PSViewController
and PSBaseView
, but there is no method for acknowledgement of view creation, like iOS has viewDidLoad
- Although there are many methods available for view Display. One I found is: -(id)initForContentSize:(CGSize)contentSize
, but I don't want to use it as I don't think it would be appropriate to do so.
So which method should I choose in order to initialize my instance variables or do other stuff? Thanks.
Note: I am using rpetrich's Header Files.
Some of those headers are slightly older on the repository but looking at an iOS 7 version of PSViewController you will see that it is a subclass of UIViewController. UIViewController does contain viewDidLoad so PSListViewController "should" contain the same.
Source: http://www.developer.limneos.net/?framework=Preferences.framework&header=PSViewController.h