Given a 1-dimensional array of binary variables, for example
x = [0,1,0,0,1]
I would like to create a new variable y
such that y <= max(x)
. In other words
y = 0
only if sum(x) = 0
y = 1
only if sum(x) > 0
How do I convert this into a set of linear constraints?
I know this must be possible because IBM CP Optimizer Suite can handle this automatically, but I don't have access to it.
Try something simple like y <= sum(x) which will force y to zero if all the x are zero.
Then for forcing y to 1 you have several choices. You could simply add a constraint that y >= x for every variable in x, or use a big M constraint like My >= sum(x) where M is some constant which is the maximum number of variables in x that can be simultaneously equal to 1. Adding the separate constraints might give a tighter linear relaxation, especially if there are many x variables.