I am trying to show slowly one char from string ,like novel game.
To do it,at first I wrote the code as follows using CCLabelBMFont to extract one char from string.
string str = "I like an apple";
CCLabelBMFont *label = CCLabelBMFont::create(str.c_str(), "font.fnt");
CCSprite *spr = (CCSprite*)label1->getChildByTag(0);
spr->setPosition(ccp(100, 100));
I want to show spr that are extracted from CCLabelBMFont in GameScene(this)
But I am getting the error as follows
CCAssert( child->m_pParent == NULL, "child already added. It can't be added again");
Why did such the error appear ? and How should I do?
Look at the method you are using and the error you get. You use getChildByTag(...)
to get your sprite. So what you get is a child
node of your CCLabelBMFont
, meaning it has a parent
. Your error says that this sprite cannot be added again as a child, because it already has a parent.
I can't think of a straigthforward and sure way to achieve what you want, but here are some suggestions you may try :
on them. Then schedule a call in which you will call setVisible(true)
on subsequent children.LabelBMFont
and/or creating a custom action may be the most flexible way, but propably not the easiest.Let me know if anything is not clear!