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Text file splitting in multiple files by content in Powershell

i'm reading a lot of threads - but nothing for me personal. I need to split text file in the following form:

---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------    
--------------------------- Message Trailer ------------------------    
---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------

dividing content by lines ------------- Instance Type and Transmission -------------- and output text between in newer file.

Like this:


---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------    
    --------------------------- Message Trailer ------------------------    


---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------

Perl and awk do this pretty simple and i found some examples, and nothing in powershell, only text file by size splitting.

Thanks to @CB. I ended with this solution valid for multiple files:

  $InPC = "C:\Scripts"
Get-ChildItem -Path $InPC -Filter *.txt | ForEach-Object -Process { 
        $basename= $_.BaseName   
        $m = ( ( Get-Content $_.FullName | Where { $_ | Select-String "---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------" -Quiet } | Measure-Object | ForEach-Object { $_.Count } ) -ge 2) 
        $a = 1
        if ($m) {
  Get-Content $_.FullName | % {

    If ($_ -match "---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------") {
        $OutputFile = "$InPC\$basename _$a.txt"
    Add-Content $OutputFile $_
  Remove-Item $_.FullName 


  • Something like this should work:

    $InputFile = "c:\path\myfiletosplit.txt"
    $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($InputFile)
    $a = 1
    While (($Line = $Reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
        If ($Line -match "---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------") {
            $OutputFile = "MySplittedFileNumber$a.txt"
        Add-Content $OutputFile $Line

    or whitout .net class:

    $a = 1
    gc "c:\path\myfiletosplit.txt" | % {    
        If ($_ -match "---------------------  Instance Type and Transmission --------------") {
            $OutputFile = "MySplittedFileNumber$a.txt"
        Add-Content $OutputFile $_