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Add libstagefright in my Android NDK Application

I made some changes in AOSP code and compiled it. Now i want to Add created in my Applicaton.

In i'm adding as LOCAL_SRC_FILES compiled library with path.

Here is it`

   LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

   include $(CLEAR_VARS)
   LOCAL_MODULE := libstagefright  
   LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ./Source/out/target/product/generic/system/lib/

   include $(CLEAR_VARS)

   LOCAL_MODULE    := example
   LOCAL_SRC_FILES := example.cpp
   LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog-landroid 
   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libstagefright 

When i'm building and running program I don't see any changes in library.What is the Problem that i don't see any changes?

Thanks in advance.


  • Instead of, you can build the AOSP-derived library as and use it in your app instead of stagefright. You can put your library in your libs folder just like any other library. You don't need root for that.

    Note that the library you build will still connect to many OMX and other binaries in /system/lib, so all interfaces should be maintained. You probably want to start with the AOSP revision that corresponds to the system level of your device. You may face compatibility problems if the device uses a customized Android - for best results, take a Nexus device.