I have the following (simplified) app requirement for which I need to create a database in SQL Server:
I modeled this with the following tables:
A (a PK)
B (b PK)
A_B(a FK A(a), b FK B(b), PK(a,b))
C (c PK, a FK A(a), b FK B(b))
Obs. From the (extended) spec: one can have a pair (a,b) in A_B that doesn't exist in C.
Is this a good design? I'm asking because obviously you can insert a pair (a,b) in table C that doesn't exist in table A_B, the latter being responsible for associating As to Bs.
One could create a trigger on C to do the above check, but this solution would be at the implementation level.
Another option would be to create a composite FK on (a,b) in C. I never used them before, so again my question would if is it ok to proceed like this.
Thanks for any hints!
Yes, a foreign key from C
to A_B
will prevent entries appearing in C
that don't appear in A_B
. Something like:
CREATE TABLE A (a char(3) not null, constraint PK_A PRIMARY KEY (a));
CREATE TABLE B (b char(7) not null, constraint PK_B PRIMARY KEY (b));
a char(3) not null,
b char(7) not null,
constraint PK_A_B PRIMARY KEY(a,b),
constraint FK_A_B_A FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES A(a),
c char(19) not null,
a char(3) not null,
b char(7) not null,
constraint PK_C PRIMARY KEY (c),
constraint FK_C_A FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES A(a),
constraint FK_C_B FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES B(b),
constraint FK_C_A_B FOREIGN KEY (a,b) REFERENCES A_B(a,b)
It's up to you whether you continue to have FK_C_A
and FK_C_B
. In the above model, they're redundant, but if, say, a
and/or b
in C
is nullable then it makes sense to keep them separately to enforce the foreign keys when the values aren't all non-NULL