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KenBurnsView how to set image resource?

I'm trying to use Faria's KenBurnsView library in my application.

KenBurnsView is some extension of ImageView, with a nice animating effect. You may have seen the effect in Foursquare app's images.

For the actual picture, the view uses the XML defined "android:src" property. But I want to set the image resource during run-time through Java code. I have tried setImageResource, setBackgroundResource, set".."drawabale and many other methods. But no matter what, my image setting command always makes my app crash at run-time.

I've been searching the web for a couple of hours for any trace of discussion on KenBurnsView but have had no luck whatsoever.

My question is:

How is it possible to set the image property of KenBurnsView on run-time?


Here's the stack trace:

06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712): Process: com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.sample, PID: 16712
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.sample/com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.sample.SingleImageActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at$800(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at$H.handleMessage(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at$
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.MathUtils.getRectRatio(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.RandomTransitionGenerator.generateRandomRect(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.RandomTransitionGenerator.generateNextTransition(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.KenBurnsView.startNewTransition(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.KenBurnsView.handleImageChange(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.KenBurnsView.setImageResource(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at com.flaviofaria.kenburnsview.sample.SingleImageActivity.onCreate(
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    at
06-16 01:26:43.062: E/AndroidRuntime(16712):    ... 11 more


  • From the call stack, I'd say this is a bug in the library. It's not updating the mDrawableRect immediately after a new drawable is set.

    Try changing the implementation of setImageResource() to add call updateDrawableBounds(), i.e.

    public void setImageResource(int resId) {
        updateDrawableBounds(); // <- added line

    Looks like this should fix the problem (but I haven't tested it).

    EDIT Actually, all the setImage<X>() methods seem to have this issue. So the same fix should be used for setImageDrawable(), setImageBitmap(), and setImageURI().

    NEWEST EDIT This is now fixed, according to @FlávioFaria himself. Just update to version 1.0.3.