I want to make multiple copies of a file and I am able to do it like this...
dd if=~/learndir/source.txt | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/un.txt) | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/deux.txt) | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/trois.txt) | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/quatre.txt) | dd of=~/learndir/cinque.txt
my problem is that this works in the terminal but not in a script. Here is a script with the same syntax that I try to execute...
dd if=~/learndir/source.txt | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/un.txt) | tee
>(dd of=~/learndir/deux.txt) | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/trois.txt) | tee >(dd of=~/learndir/quatre.txt) | dd of=~/learndir/cinque.txt
and I get the following error...
~$ sh duplicate5.sh
> duplicate5.sh: 2: duplicate5.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
I don't understand why it works at my dollar prompt but not in a script.
Your shell is /bin/bash
and /bin/bash
behaves differently from /bin/sh
. Use #!/bin/bash
in the script and it should be OK. Also, the script has a bad line-break in it.
Incidentally, a single copy of tee
can write to multiple files in a single invocation:
dd if=~/learndir/source.txt |
tee >(dd of=~/learndir/un.txt) \
>(dd of=~/learndir/deux.txt) \
>(dd of=~/learndir/trois.txt) \
>(dd of=~/learndir/quatre.txt) |
dd of=~/learndir/cinque.txt
But using dd
and process substitution seems superfluous here:
cat ~/learndir/source.txt |
tee ~/learndir/un.txt ~/learndir/deux.txt ~/learndir/trois.txt ~/learndir/quatre.txt \
> ~/learndir/cinque.txt
Or even:
tee < ~/learndir/source.txt \
~/learndir/un.txt ~/learndir/deux.txt ~/learndir/trois.txt ~/learndir/quatre.txt \
> ~/learndir/cinque.txt
The I/O redirections can appear in an arbitrary order in this script, so this also works:
tee < ~/learndir/source.txt > ~/learndir/cinque.txt \
~/learndir/un.txt ~/learndir/deux.txt ~/learndir/trois.txt ~/learndir/quatre.txt
tee ~/learndir/un.txt ~/learndir/deux.txt ~/learndir/trois.txt ~/learndir/quatre.txt \
< ~/learndir/source.txt > ~/learndir/cinque.txt