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Quickblox - iOS - Content - get url blobID

we have being able to get content files by blob_id with your code:

[QBContent TDownloadFileWithBlobID:126  delegate:self];

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark QBActionStatusDelegate

- (void)completedWithResult:(Result *)result{
    if(result.success && [result isKindOfClass:[QBCFileDownloadTaskResult class]]){
        QBCFileDownloadTaskResult *downloadfileResult = (QBCFileDownloadTaskResult *)result;

        // do something with file
        NSData file = downloadfileResult.file;
        NSLog("errors=%@", result.errors);

I would like to know if there is a way to get the image URL using the blob_id

thanks for your help


  • Yes, for example

    [QBContent blobWithID:910 delegate:self];
    - (void)completedWithResult:(Result *)result{
        // success result
            if([result isKindOfClass:QBCBlobResult.class]){
                QBCBlobResult *res = (QBCBlobResult *)result;
                NSLog(@"url=%@", res.blob.publicUrl); 

    But, to be able to do this you should upload a file and set isPublic to YES

    If file is private - you can't use a publicUrl property