I'm trying to connect QuickBlox.framework to the Swift application.
As I know QuickBlox.framework is written on Objective-C. To use it in Swift application we should follow this guide
What I did is:
#import <Quickblox/Quickblox.h>
and I got 28 errors:
<unknown>:0: error: ./Quickblox.framework/Headers/Core/Definitions/Consts.h:16: unknown type name 'NSString'
<unknown>:0: error: ./Quickblox.framework/Headers/Core/Definitions/Delegates.h:43: expected a type
Any ideas?
You have to modify a bit your bridge file - add all needed frameworks
@import Foundation
@import SystemConfiguration;
@import MobileCoreServices;
#import <Quickblox/Quickblox.h>
Checkout QuickBlox blog post about Swift http://quickblox.com/blog/2014/06/building-ios-apps-with-quickblox-and-swift/