I have a cell array containing functions (with function handle) and I want to evaluate these inside a for-loop. I want to evaluate the differential equations: x1'= x2, x2' = ax2-bx1
My code is like this:
init = [0,0];
F = {@(x1,x2) x2,@(x1,x2)(a*x2-b*x1)};
X0 = init;
for i=1:10
X = X0 + c*F(init(1),init(2));
X0 = X;
init[1] = {X(1)};
init[2] = {X(2)};
The constants a,b and c are given.
I get the error:
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Can someone help me with this?
First of all, there are two other problems with your code: c
is not defined and you are trying to index into init
with []
-brackets, which will throw:
Error: File: foo Line: 8 Column: 8
Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket.
The subscript error occurs because you are trying to access F(0,0)
because init(1)
and init(2)
are 0
. Remember that the way you declared F, it is a cell array:
>> F = {@(x1,x2) x2,@(x1,x2)(a*x2-b*x1)};
>> whos F
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
F 1x2 288 cell
Hence, F(0,0)
is illegal because indexes in matlab start with 1
. Your functions reside in F{1}
and F{2}
>> F{1}
ans =
>> F{2}
ans =
>> f = F{1}
f =
>> f(0,0)
ans =