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R Date / List Problems

I'm having trouble manipulating some data in R. I have a data frame containing info. relating to customer transactions. I extract the minimum date as follows,

hold <- (lapply(with(train_train, split(date,id)),min)) # minimum date

Giving me the following list:


#[1] "2012-03-02"
#[1] "2012-03-02"
#[1] "2012-03-22"

What I then want to do is take the date returned for each id, and merge it back to a data frame containing other relevant variables for each id. I attempted to do it as follows;

hold <-
hold <-,hold[,1]))
names(hold) <- c('id', 'mindate')
transactions.temp <- merge(x =, y = hold, by = 'id')

However, the bind destroys the date format and I can't work out how to get a data structure of 'id' 'mindate' that will enable me to merge this onto my main dataset which looks like this;

> head(
           id totaltransactions totalspend        meanspend
1:  100007447              1096    6644.88 6.06284671532847
2:  100017875               348     992.29 2.85140804597701
3:  100051423               646    2771.43 4.29013931888545
4: 1000714152              2370   10509.08 4.43421097046414
5: 1002116097              1233    4158.51 3.37267639902676
6: 1004404618               754    2978.15 3.94980106100796

Any advice you provide will be hugely appreciated. Thanks!


  • Your cbind is implicitly converting your dates to character because of row.names. Use the data.frame method for cbind to achieve this. Essentially replace:,hold[,1]))

    with, hold[,1])