I am using the TableGateway from Zend Framework 2. My problem is that I cannot get the between function to work.
This is my code that I have for now, the output is just nothing:
public function fetchBetween($startDate, $endDate)
$where = new Where();
$where->between('date', $startDate, $endDate);
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select($where);
return $resultSet;
I am calling this function to get the date between two dates.
$this->getCalendarTable()->fetchBetween('4-04-2014', '30-05-2014');
This is the query that it has to be and in phpmyadmin it is giving back data so there is nothing wrong with the query or the databank:
SELECT * FROM `klj_agenda` WHERE date BETWEEN '1-05-2014' AND '30-05-2014'
The problem was the query: 2014-05-01 instead of 01-05-2014