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Extend boost property tree get for own types

How do I extend boost property tree to support my own types?

e.g. I want to write

boost::property_tree::basic_ptree<std::string,std::string> xml;

And then I guess somewhere I'd like to describe how to get a Ship from a boost::property_tree::basic_ptree<std::string,std::string> or something similar.


  • You need to provide a default constructor for Ship and a stream input operator:

    struct Ship {
      friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& s, Ship& e) {
        /* read ship data from s */
        return s;

    Unfortunately, I'm not sure if this is an official feature of property_tree as I can not find it in the documentation.

    For more fine-grained access get also takes a Translator as it's second argument.

    struct ShipTranslatorJSON {
      // the type we return
      typedef Ship external_type;
      // the type expect as an argument
      typedef std::string internal_type;
      boost::optional< external_type > get_value(const internal_type&) {
        return external_type();
      // only required when you actually use put
      // boost::optional< T > put_value(const T &); 
    // use as
    xml.get<Ship>("sauce_pan", ShipTranslatorJSON());

    This method also seems more "official", although nothing in the documentation actually explains what a Translator really is.