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Unwrapping objects members with V8/Node.JS

I'm learning V8/Node.JS through one of my project and I'm wondering if there is a way to unwrap a C++ object inherited from node::OjectWrap (from the Node.JS API) and its members at the same time.

All examples I can found have int members for instance and any of them try to wrap C++ object members. Here is a code explanation of what I want to do:

// A very basic class which only contains a vector member
// Note that it does not interact with any V8 or Node.JS code
class B
  // Constructors and methods...
  size_t getSize(void) { return vec_.size(); };

    std::vector<int> vec_;

// The class I instanciate correctly in my Javascript code
class A : public node::ObjectWrap
    static void Init(v8::Handle<v8::Value> exports);
    static v8::Handle<v8::Value> New(const v8::Arguments& args); // The method I use to instanciate my JS object
    static v8::Handle<v8::Value> Update(const v8::Arguments& args); // A method I call

    A(B b) : b_(b) {};

    static v8::Persistent<v8::Function> constructor_;
    B b_;

To keep things simple, here is the definitions of A::New and A::Update. I'm using the Google V8 documentation sample code for the others methods.

v8::Handle<v8::Value> A::New(const v8::Arguments& args)
  v8::HandleScope scope;

  if (args.IsConstructorCall())
    B b;
    // Fill the vector of B with n elements...
    // If I print here the size of a->b_.size(), I get n

    A* a = new A(b);

    return args.This();
    // ...

v8::Handle<v8::Value> A::Update(const v8::Arguments& args)
  v8::HandleScope scope;

  A* a = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<A>(args.This());
  // If I print here the size of a->b_.size(), I get a garbage value

Finally, my JavaScript code:

var a = new addon.A(/* Constructor parameters *); // Will print the good size value
a.Update(); // Will print the garbage value

It seems that the B member of A is not wrapped correctly. So my question is: is it possible to wrap the object members without inherited them of node::ObjectWrap ?

Thanks for your help.


  • For those who may be in the same situation, I found out what was my error.

    In fact, I was allocating the B member on the stack and since the method we call in the A class are statics, you can only have access to garbage values between two calls (here A::New and A::Update).

    I solve the problem allocating the B object on the heap.