I have an excel input file like this.
A & B
Here "Artist" is the column header.
The ruby on rails program has this code:
artist_keys = @params.keys.select{|k| k =~ /^artist/i}
@artists = []
artist_keys.each do |artist_key|
@artists.push @params[artist_key].to_s.encode('utF-8')
I want to store "A %26 B", instead of "A & B" in the "artist_key(s)" or "artist(s)" variable.
I tried channging "A & B" to "A %26 B" in the xlsx input file. But then the program faced an error.
So I think this "replace & with %26" should be done by code-level rather than inputfile-level.
How would I be able to do this?
As has been mentioned doing it at output time would be the "best" solution but if you really want to simply find and replace, gsub is your answer.
artist_keys.each do |artist_key|
@artists.push @params[artist_key].to_s.gsub('&','%26').encode('utF-8')
However I would not recommend storing like that if at all possible.