I am still trying to come around with python, but this problem exceeds my knowledge:
Topic: hydrodynamic postprocessing: csv output of hydraulic software to array, split timesteps
Here is the data and how far i came with a working code:
Input-file (see below):
First row: Number of result-nodes
Second row: Header
Third row: timestep @ time=
Following: all results of this timestep (in this file: 13541 nodes, variable) ....the same again for next timestep.
# Number of Nodes: 13541
#X Y Z depth wse
# Output at t = 0
5603.7598 4474.4902 37.470001 0 37.470001
5610.5 4461.6001 36.020001 0 36.020001
5617.25 4448.71 35.130001 0 35.130001
5623.9902 4435.8198 35.07 0 35.07
5630.7402 4422.9199 35.07 0 35.07
5761.5801 4402.79 35.369999 0 35.369999
COMMENT:....................13541 timesteps...........
# Output at t = 120.04446
5603.7598 4474.4902 37.470001 3.6977223 41.167724
5610.5 4461.6001 36.020001 4.1377293 40.15773
5617.25 4448.71 35.130001 3.9119012 39.041902
5623.9902 4435.8198 35.07 3.7923947 38.862394
5630.7402 4422.9199 35.07 3.998436 39.068436
5761.5801 4402.79 35.369999 3.9750571 39.345056
COMMENT:....................13541 timesteps...........
# Output at t = 240.06036
5603.7598 4474.4902 37.470001 11.131587 48.601588
5610.5 4461.6001 36.020001 12.564266 48.584266
5617.25 4448.71 35.130001 13.498463 48.628464
5623.9902 4435.8198 35.07 13.443041 48.513041
5630.7402 4422.9199 35.07 11.625824 46.695824
5761.5801 4402.79 35.369999 19.49551 54.865508
PROBLEM: I need a loop, which reads in n-timesteps into arrays.
The result should be: array for each timestep: in this case 27 timesteps with 13541 elements each.
timestep_1=[all elements of this timestep: shape=13541,5]
My code so far:
import numpy as np
import csv
from numpy import *
import itertools
#read file to big array
array=np.array([row for row in csv.reader(open("ascii-full.csv", "rb"), delimiter='\t')])
# find out how many nodes
strfirstRow=' '.join(map(str,firstRow))
print first[4]
#count timesteps
#split array into timesteps:
# X Y Z h(t1) h(t2) h(tn)
#print ts1
#print ts2
read ts3 to last timestep to arrays with loop....
Maybe someone can help me, thanks!!!
My take on your problem is, instead of reading the whole file into an array and process the array, read it line by line, creating the arrays as the data is read.
I read the number of rows and columns per timestep as described in the file, then create a new array for each timestep read (adding it to a list), then populating it with the read data.
import numpy as np
timesteps = []
timestep_results = []
f = open("ascii-full.csv", "rb")
# First line is number of rows (not counting the initial #)
rows = int(f.readline().strip()[1:].split()[-1])
counter = 0
# Second line is number of columns
columns = len(f.readline().strip().split())
# Next lines
for line in f:
if line.startswith("#"):
# it's a header: add time to timestep list, begin new array
timesteps.append( float(line.strip().split("=")[1]) )
timestep_results.append( np.zeros((rows, columns)) )
counter = 0
# it's data: add to array in appropiate row
timestep_results[-1][counter] = map(float, line.strip().split())
counter += 1
Hope it helps!