I'm looking for a way to easily, temporarily swap functions out. I know that I can manually set a function symbol like so:
CL-USER> (setf (symbol-function 'abcd) #'+)
CL-USER> (abcd 1 2 4)
I also know that labels
or flet
can temporarily set names for functions defined in place:
CL-USER> (labels ((abcd (&rest x)
(apply #'* x)))
(abcd 1 2 4))
Is there a way to manually, lexically set a function name? Eg.:
CL-USER> (some-variant-of-labels-or-let ((abcd #'*))
(abcd 1 2 4))
Note: I tried poking into the source of labels and flet, but both are special operators. No joy.
The bindings that you can modify with symbol-function
aren't lexical bindings, so that sort of option doesn't really apply. The only way to establish lexically bound functions is through labels and flet, so you'll have to use those. That said, you can get kind of syntax you want pretty easily with a macro:
(defmacro bind-functions (binder bindings body)
`(,binder ,(mapcar (lambda (binding)
(destructuring-bind (name function) binding
`(,name (&rest #1=#:args)
(apply ,function #1#))))
(defmacro fflet ((&rest bindings) &body body)
`(bind-functions flet ,bindings ,body))
(defmacro flabels ((&rest bindings) &body body)
`(bind-functions labels ,bindings ,body))
Both fflet and flabels take function designators (a symbol or a function) and call apply with them and any additional arguments. Thus you could use #'*
or '+
(fflet ((product #'*)
(sum '+))
(list (product 2 4)
(sum 3 4)))
;=> (8 7)
This does mean that you're introducing the overhead of apply
, but it's not clear what you could do to avoid it. Since lambda expressions could refer to the bound names, we could either allow those references to be to the newly bound function, or to whatever is outside. This is the difference between flet and labels, as well, and that's why implemented versions based on each:
(fflet ((double (lambda (x)
(format t "~&outer ~a" x)
(list x x))))
(fflet ((double (lambda (x)
(format t "~&inner ~a" x)
(double x)))) ; not recursive
(double 2)))
; inner 2
; outer 2
;=> 2 2
(flabels ((factorial (lambda (n &optional (acc 1))
(if (zerop n) acc
(factorial (1- n) (* acc n)))))) ; recursive
(factorial 7))
;=> 5040
After mulling over this for a while, it occurred to me that in Scheme, fflet
is the same as let
, since Scheme is a Lisp-1. To get the behavior of flabels
, you have to use letrec
in Scheme. Searching for implementations of letrec
for Common Lisp turns up some interesting results.
Robert Smith's Letrec for Common Lisp includes this description and example:
LETREC:LETREC is a macro which aims to imitate Scheme's letrec form. It is a useful construct for functional programming in Common Lisp, where you have function-producing forms which need to be functionally bound to a symbol.
(defun multiplier (n) (lambda (x) (* n x))) (letrec ((double (multiplier 2)) (triple (multiplier 3))) (double (triple 5))) ;= 30
This has the same issue with apply, of course, and the notes include
Unforunately, the macro isn't a very efficient implementation. There is a level of indirection with the function calling. Essentially, a LETREC with the binding
(name fn)
is expanded to a LABELS binding of the form
(name (&rest args) (apply fn args))
which is somewhat abysmal.
Patches are welcome for implementation-specific ways of implementing the macro.
In 2005, user rhat asked on comp.lang.lisp about a Common Lisp equivalent to Scheme's letrec, and was pointed at labels.