I am creating a game using Apple's SpriteKit, and I am wondering what is the most efficient way to find an SKSpriteNode object after creating it.
In one method I initialize a sprite node and assign a name to it:
SKSpriteNode* playerBody = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"playerBody.png"];
playerBody.name = @"player";
Later on inside the touchesBegan:withEvent:
method I want to find the previously defined sprite node again and store it so I can run actions on it. First I attempted to do this:
SKSpriteNode* body = [self childNodeWithName:@"player"];
However, I have realized that childNodeWithName:
is only available in the SKNode
class, not SKSpriteNode
. So this does not work. What I am thinking now is that I can create an SKNode
object and place my SKSpriteNode
inside of it. This way I can search for the SKNode
using the above method. This seems a bit convoluted, however. Is there a better way?
SKSpriteNode inherits from SKNode. You can use childNodeWithName.
SKSpriteNode *someSprite = [SKSpriteNode node];
[someSprite childNodeWithName:@"someChildOfSprite"];
Code for comment below asking how to cast SKNode as an SKSpriteNode:
SKSpriteNode *theChildYouWant = (SKSpriteNode*)[someSprite childNodeWithName:@"someChildOfSprite"];