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How to edit flask-admin to support multi tenancy?

I'm using Flask-peewee, looking for a way to give permission to admins, I'd like to make a multi tenancy admin dashboard.

I have made for displaying deals:

class DealsAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    columns = ('deal_name', 'deal_desc', 'created_on')
    exclude = ('created_on','merchand_id')

    def get_query(self):
        loggedin_username=auth.get_logged_in_user() == loggedin_username).get()
        return == loggedin_username)

So now I'd like to keep the loggedinuserid for Merchant id when they want to edit forms.

enter image description here

*Edit on image text: Merchant_id must be the auth.loggedinid as default


  • Remove the field from being displayed in the form, then hook into on_model_change:

    class MyDealModelView(ModelView):
        form_excluded_columns = ('merchant_id',)
        def on_model_change(form, model, is_created):
            model.merchant_id = login.current_user.merchant_id;