Search code examples

Rails 4.0.1 Creating Database Record from link_to

I am trying to create a new record when a user pushes a button. The page seems to be refreshing but no records are being created

- page_list.each do |page|
    %td.text-center=image_tag "{page['id']}/picture?width=40&height=40"
    %td= link_to page['name'], "{page['id']}"
    %td= page['category']
      =link_to 'Import Page', pages_path(:page => { name: page['name'], page_id: page['page_id'] }, :controller => :pages), :class => 'button default tiny'
      =link_to 'View Page', "{page['id']}", class: 'button default tiny'


  • Change your link_to to:

    = link_to 'Import Page', pages_path(:page => { name: page['name'], page_id: page['page_id'] }), :class => 'button default tiny', :method => :post

    And it's going to work. Links default to use GETbut what you need is a POST here.