I am trying to raise a MouseLeftButtonDownEvent by bubbling it up the Visual tree with the following code.
var args = new MouseButtonEventArgs(Mouse.PrimaryDevice,0,MouseButton.Left);
args.RoutedEvent = UIElement.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent;
args.Source = this;
For some reason the higher level components are not receiving this bubbled event. Am I overlooking something or is it not possible to raise this Mouse event
Your problem is that you are raising an event that does not bubble.
is defined as RoutingStrategy.Direct
, which means it is routed to only the control receiving the event.
You want to use Mouse.MouseDownEvent
event instead. UIElement
and other classes internally convert this into a MouseLeftButtonDownEvent
. Make sure you set e.ChangedButton to MouseButton.Left
RaiseEvent(new MouseButtonEventArgs(Mouse.PrimaryDevice, 0, MouseButton.Left)
RoutedEvent = Mouse.MouseDownEvent,
Source = this,