I'm developing an application with PySide. I'm doing the unit tests before writing any code in the application. I need to select an item inside QTreeWidget so I can use QTreeWidget.currentItem
to retrieve it and do some stuff with it in order to pass the unit test, I know that I can click widgets using QTest.mouseClick
however, I'm not sure how to click a item inside a QTreeWidget.
I was able to achieve what I wanted without using QTest.mouseClick
Here is the code:
from src import ui
from nose.tools import eq_
from PySide.QtCore import Qt
from PySide.QtTest import QTest
if QtGui.qApp is None:
appui = ui.Ui()
# ...
def test_movedown_treewidget():
item = appui.tblURLS.topLevelItem(0)
QTest.mouseClick(appui.pbtMoveDOWN, Qt.LeftButton)
# After that click, the connected slot was executed
# and did something with the current selected widget
item = appui.tblURLS.topLevelItem(0)
eq_(item.text(2), u"http://www.amazon.com/example2")
def test_moveup_treewidget():
item = appui.tblURLS.topLevelItem(1)
QTest.mouseClick(appui.pbtMoveUP, Qt.LeftButton)
# After that click, the connected slot was executed
# and did something with the current selected widget
item = appui.tblURLS.topLevelItem(0)
eq_(item.text(2), u"http://www.amazon.com/example1")
# ...