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How to copy files on remote Windows to local Linux on a Linux machine?

Currently, I'm working on a local Linux machine. I'm trying to use scp or similar Linux command-line tools to copy files from a remote Windows machine to my local Linux. I did some searching and found that most of the solutions are for local Windows cases (like putty and winscp), which don't really help.

Please advise.Thank you.

[UPDATE] Solved by installing cygwin's sshd service on Windows.


  • If you really want to use SCP, you will need an SCP server (actually an SSH server) on the Windows machine.

    For example freeSSHd.

    You will need to choose one of the options based on your own needs, there are a number of similar tools and freeSSHd was the first in the list on Google. I've used the Bitvise SSH Server in the past but it is only free for non-commercial use.

    They are usually very easy to set up. You install them the usual way and run them for the first time. Depending on the tool, they may pick up your existing Windows users or you may need to manually create some users with passwords within the tool. Then, armed with your PC's IP address, you should be able to connect to the PC using SSH from the Linux command line.