I have a set of rules that fire each 15seconds.
As I want to unit-test these rules, I want to set dynamically this duration value. More, I want to put it in my app's configuration. This value might be used in more than 20 rules...).
How can I do this ? Is it possible ?
Here is my rule :
rule "my rule Name" duration 15000 when //match something then //do something end
I would like to have something like :
gobal String timeDuration; rule "my rule Name" duration timeDuration when //match something then //do something end
I tried : - putting a long global variable set from my unit test - putting a String global variable set from my unit test containing "15s" - Import a class containing a static field and put
import my.temp.package.RemoveThisUglyClass; rule "my rule Name" duration RemoveThisUglyClass.timeDuration when //match something then //do something end
Seems that there is no way to do it. A I right ? Any suggestion ?
Thanx !
The duration
rule attribute is deprecated for quite some time. You can use timer
rule "tock"
timer( expr: $d )
A($d: duration )
This fires after the number of milliseconds in duration, but you can also use String fields containing times like "3s". See the documentation.