i am very new to perl. I'm leraning how to use Mechanize package. I have example page. I don't know if it is good for learning cause it works in a strange way but still, i want to understand what's happening right now.
First, i have written script which is getting directly content under page1:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Frames-> new();
my $mechFr = WWW::Mechanize::Frames-> new();
my $url="page1 url";
my @frames = $mech->get_frames();
$mechFr= $frames[0];
print $mechFr->content();
And this works fine. Then i was trying to get to this page from page0 and i have written this:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Frames-> new();
my $mechFr = WWW::Mechanize::Frames-> new();
my $url="page0url";
$mech=$mech->follow_link(text_regex => qr/page1like/);
print $mech->content();
my @frames = $mech->get_frames();
$mechFr= $frames[0];
print $mechFr->content();
Content under mech afeter following link looks ok (i really am on page1), but then i get error Can't locate object method "get_frames" via package HTTP:Headers" at (...)/Message.pm line 694"
. My package list is the same in both scripts:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize::Frames;
So my question is, what am i doing wrong?
According to the WWW::Mechanize documentation
returns an HTTP::Response object, you assign this result into your variable $mech
. This effectively replaces the existing value of $mech
with an HTTP::Response object.
The HTTP::Response module has no method get_frames()
as Perl correctly tells you.
You need to store your HTTP response in a separate variable:
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Frames-> new();
my $mechFr = WWW::Mechanize::Frames-> new();
my $url="page0url";
my $http_response = $mech->follow_link(text_regex => qr/page1like/);
print $http_response->content();
my @frames = $mech->get_frames();
$mechFr= $frames[0];
print $mechFr->content();