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How to compile the FFTW libraries with correct architecture?

I followed the script on Compiling fftw-3.3.4.

But I am getting all the libraries of architecture x86_64. Thats why I cannot lipo them. ( libfftw3f_armv7.a, libfftw3f_x86_64.a, libfftw3f_arm64.a, libfftw3f_i386.a)

So any idea how to update this script to get the correct architecture?

P.s., by config. :

./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin --target=arm-apple-darwin --enable-float --enable-neon

I am getting the error :

configure: error: Need a version of gcc with -mfpu=neon

So I just delete --enable-neon and it works. Is it a mistake?

Thanks a lot.


  • I wanted to delete my Question. But then I saw that somebody has it as a favorite question so maybe he has the same "stupid" mistake like me.

    I was getting all the libraries of architecture x86_64 because I was making a stupid mistake. It tokes all this time to find it. I was adding sudo for every make and configure. So thats why this scrip was not working correctly .