I'm trying to create a Google custom search engine programatically. Therefore I have to sent the GET request as described in this link.
GET http://www.google.com/cse/api/<USER_ID>/cse/<CSE_ID>
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=IM6F7Cx2fo0TAiwlhNVdSE8Ov8hw6aHV
Here they mentioned auth token. How can I get this?
From the page you linked Custom Search - autentication
Although the Accounts Authentication API supports multiple authentication methods, Custom Search only supports ClientLogin
Answer: You get the access token back from client login.
What I would like to know is what will happen when client login stops working and if this will work with OAuth2. If it does work with OAuth2 why haven't they added documentation for it. I am sending some feed back on that page, its really outdated.